Jessie Chan Dorman

Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year 2017

Jessie owns a dairy business with husband Hayden and has worked in several rural professional roles over the past 15 years in policy and sustainable farming.

She’s on Fonterra’s Shareholders Council, Federated Farmers National Dairy Executive, is a Director of Ashburton Trading Society and a member of NZ Asian Leaders.

“Jessie demonstrates incredible enthusiasm, passion and drive. She articulates well, is focussed and self-aware of her strengths which have developed from a strong moral anchor and driving work ethic.

Jessie describes her leadership style as being that of a servant – she helps other to achieve their goals. While she believes that skills are important it is ultimately ones “attitude” that determines the effectiveness of those skills. Jesse leads with absolute integrity. Not only is consistency valuable in leadership, flexibility is key in order to drive change.

Jessie is a team player and in her governance roles enjoys the team effort of diverse thinkers; the sense of achievement in making decisions and then being held accountable.” – Judges Panel

Watch her reflections on receiving the award here

Past Recipients

Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year 2024

Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year 2023

Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year 2021

Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year 2020

Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year 2019

Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year 2018