Surviving against overwhelming odds
Wednesday 19 October – LIVE WEBINAR
Surviving burns to 65% of her body during an ultramarathon, Turia Pitt is living proof that with the right mindset, anything is possible. A bestselling author, two-time Ironman, surfer, adventure-seeker and mum of two, she spends her time making (and doing) cool things that help people get happier and more confident.
Join us at 12.30pm NZST (10.30am AEST) on Wednesday 19 October, to hear from Turia as she shares her story about overcoming adversity and tips that have helped her through.
Brought to you by The a2 Milk Company and NSW Women in Dairy.
October 19, 2022
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Venue: Online
October 19, 2022 12:30
October 19, 2022 13:30
Dairy Women's Network