Podcast – Episode 3
Dom catches up with John Dazley and Sally Coombe from CMK Accountants.
As part of the new series on REX brought to you by Dairy Women’s Network in association with Figured and CMK we catch up with Dairy Farmers Addie and Kip Nolan.
Dom catches up with the pair to see how they are getting on with calving, what CMK and Figured have done to help with their farming decisions and more.
Stay tuned for more episodes coming to you on REX, wherever you listen.
Dom catches up with John Dazley and Sally Coombe from CMK Accountants.
3 weeks of constant rain ☔️. Paddocks are soaked and muddy. We have had our
It’s been a hectic 2 weeks. Well and truly over halfway through calving now. We
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