Addie’s Blog #14 – Into the new year!
I can’t believe Christmas and new years has been and gone and we are now
Wow! Time is going very fast! We managed to get away last week for 4 days. We took the kids
to Hanmer, Kaikōura and Chch. Not exactly a relaxing holiday when you have 3 kids but was
nice to spend some quality time together as a family.
Another busy week, finishing off the cultivation of one of our crop paddocks (got in early for this
which will make later on in the season easier). I finished putting staples and insulators on the
new boundary fence we did. Nice to have that ticked off.
I’m about to paint and seal our milking pit walls (this is a requirement as a result of our shed
check). Got a bit carried away with water blasting and ended up cleaning the shed roof inside
and all the beams! Was extremely soaked once this was done 🙈
20th of the month has come around and it was time to sit down at night and pay all the bills. As usual there were unexpected bills to be paid which puts our budget out already, but this is
normal as all part of the new season. I still haven’t managed to set a time to go over the Figured program yet. Hopefully as soon as we get a rainy day, I will have time to go through the
program. Here’s hoping I can share with you next week about it! August is going to be an extremely tight month as our dairy cheque is minimal.
Still managing to pay some principal on our mortgage which is nice to be able to do. Sometimes this can be a luxury these days! Hoping for interest rates to drop soon. 🤞
We are due to start calving this week 🤯 unbelievable! Heads down bums up from here on in! Wish me luck �
I can’t believe Christmas and new years has been and gone and we are now
It’s been a crazy few weeks on farm. We have just finished mating which was
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